Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am finally off to a new destination and I am almost giddy with anticipation. I am off to Toronto for a 32 hour layover then to las Vegas. I have great plans I am going to go to a knitting store called Americo that my knitting buddies told my about. We stay in Mississauga. so I will be taking the bus downtown. The amerco knitting store in Toronto is their flag ship store. the website is gorgeous. From the I am off to the Ontario Art Gallery. Looks like they are close to each other. I have been reading a great book about an artist named Emily Carr she lived in Victoria and Vancouver 1875 to 1945 she was amazing woman who was inspired to paint totems and native culture in a modern impressionist style. I think I have a little crush on her and now I need to see some of her work in person. Las Vegas will be dinner with a good friend. I am taking 3 projects with me,two knitting and something different. I am armed with a spindle a roving I bought at sock summitt and a book on hand spining. I am hoping it will be fun. No matter, I am sure I will come away with a better appreciation for yarn. Ha! I can too learn to love yarn more!

Oh well time to fly

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